Above: Postcard 1 (4.75" x 3.25")
Heartsong Church, branding themselves as “A Church for the Outcast”, is a Christian Church in Memphis Tennessee. Their congregation considers itself quirky and strange as it consists of a wide variety of people from all walks of life.
The Stranger Things series is a sermon series that took place during the Christmas season, meant to retell the story of the birth of Jesus Christ in a new and interesting way. The theme was meant to focus on the weirdness and bizarre nature of the story, and the printed material developed to accompany it reflected the strangeness of the theme.

Above: Poster 1 (24" x 36")
The images used are cutouts of “The Nativity at Night” by German Northern Rennaissance painter Geerten Tot Sint Jan. Chunky forms of green and black are used to abstract and enhance the already grotesque forms of Tot Sint Jan, yielding a perceived atomic glow. The elongated letter forms also reference the unnatural proportions of Tot Sin Jan as well as the personality of the sermon series.

Above From Left Right: Postcard 2 and Poster 2
The images used are cutouts of “The Nativity at Night” by German Northern Renaissance painter Geerten Tot Sint Jan. Chunky forms of green and black are used to abstract and enhance the already grotesque forms of Tot Sint Jan, yielding a perceived atomic glow. The elongated letter forms also reference the unnatural proportions of Tot Sin Jan as well as the personality of the sermon series.
Altogether, the parts create the illusion of both luminescence and movement.

Above: T-Shirt Option 1 and 2