Velvet Antlers is a hardcore and crust punk DJ named Josh Faber. When offered the opportunity to run multiple DJ gigs across Chicago, he came to me needing an illustrated flyer that he and I could collaborate on together.
Because of his love for politics, Josh wanted his flyer to make a political statement about the current state of the U.S. healthcare system. With a fluency in horror movies, death metal, and punk, I drew an intense scene of a hospital room within which multiple body parts and a deer head are being dipped in a barrel of acid. The surrounding room hold various other grotesque images intended to leave the viewer with a strong sense of unease and motivation to participate in the political conversation of U.S. healthcare.
The majority of the drawing is my work, including the room, the barrel, the medical equipment, and body parts. Because the DJ name is Velvet Antlers, Josh illustrated the more colorful antler attached to the deer head.
Lots of small details populate the flyer, rewarding the viewer for looking more closely.
All aspects of the drawing are done by hand, including the typography. To make the flyer take on even more of the DIY punk aesthetic, the type was cut out by hand and photographed on top of the base drawing.
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